My Vision For The Future (Potentially)

I wanted to start this off by explaining who I write these blogs for. I know I don’t have many followers on social media (about 290 on instagram and 322 on youtube), but I am aware that there are people who indeed read or watch my posts. I know this partly because of psychic messages, but also because my instagram videos get about 20 to 40 views on average and only a small handful of likes (which is fine), so this shows me that people are indeed curious about what I post. I know I’m not some famous influencer (which I never intend to come off as one), but if there are even a small handful of viewers or followers that I have, then I’d like to keep them updated. Many of my followers on instagram are from the in person spiritual community and the rest are random people who find my posts or found my schizophrenia thought broadcasting videos on youtube (I’ve had a small handful of people personally DM me on instagram from watching those videos and they all said it really helped them a lot), so these blog posts are for all those people who genuinely enjoy what I have to say even though there are only a few in numbers. I am also a very expressive person and love to write, be it poetry, short stories or journaling. I have light blue in my aura which is evident of throat chakra energy being a heavy focus (the throat chakra is the chakra of communication and self expression).


You may have seen in some of my instagram, threads or youtube posts that I have talked about a powerful vision I had in 2021 that said that I would either open up a school or start a religion based on spellcraft. I have actually had similar dreams for years before that, and it’s shapeshifted across the years into different things but always the same basic energy.

I want to create a real place in the world where people can learn real magic!

Although it is true that I’m mostly (and have been) just fantasizing about it, but there is a reason for that. As you’re probably aware, I have a mental illness (been diagnosed schizophrenia and schizoaffective at different times). This does hinder me from taking the dedicated actions towards manifesting this vision, but that’s not to say that it’s completely impossible. I’ve been through significant healing from the illness and that’s only because of my magical practices. I’m still on this journey though. All those psychic visions and fantasizing are only the preview of what is to come (as Einstein said of the imagination). But it is imperative that I find the necessary healing and wellness first before I go head first into my vision. Maybe even before healing would be to develop strength and discipline, which I’ve been consistent with for the past month with exercise. I get exercise most days out of the week (which I had only been able to keep up with for a few days to a week for many years) and continue to. My discipline and happiness has gone up and I feel it everyday.

That being said, the past few months I have noticed waves of passion and determination come in. Not just for exercise, but also for pursuing things in life. specifically this vision. You may have seen a few threads posts from about a month ago in which I talked about opening up that spellcraft school right in Farmingdale and having drum circles and things like that. This is one of the many forms that this vision has taken. The nature of psychic visions is not that once you perceive a prophecy, it definitely comes true exactly the way it is described in the message. This message wasn’t even totally sure if it would be a school or a religion. This is because we have free will and can choose our destiny. When I posted that threads post, I was going through a huge amount of passion. Now as of yesterday, I have been going through more big waves of passion. Coupled with the growing discipline that is getting stronger in time (although definitely not perfect yet), I believe that the basic energy of this vision will really manifest. It has taken another form as of yesterday however.

Lately I’ve been watching Harry Potter and watching Hogwarts ambience videos on youtube from Hogwarts Legacy. Watching one of the videos really inspired me. It showed the place called Hogsmeade. It’s basically like a little magical village.

What if I created a real life magical village? Imagine a real life, but maybe small village consisting of a magical school, cafe, clothing store, book store, crystal shop, etc. All these things inspired by real life magic!

Something I want to make clear about magic is that no tradition, spiritual path or religion owns magic. This is why I’m kind of resistant to the idea of starting a religion. Sometimes it seems that when people get into magic, they subconsciously assume that it belongs to things like witchcraft (as a tradition), western occultism (maybe like Enochian magick), maybe even new age spirituality (as a set of preconceived or taught beliefs or understandings, much like a tradition or religion), etc. It’s definitely not all people who are into these things think like this, but sometimes I’ve noticed that this subconscious assumption makes itself known. What is a fact is that magic in itself is just a force of nature. It is life. Life, the soul and magic (and even God or the creator) are all above all spiritual paths, traditions and religions. Religion does not own the soul, the soul owns all the religions. It can get tricky with the secular forms of these things like new age, witchcraft or the occult because they claim that religion is dogmatic and fails to provide felt experience, but there are religions that do show people how to actually have these experiences. On top of that, these 3 secular forms of the soul can teach rigid thought structures. Or should I say that the people within these teachings and communities can believe that there is only one way to do something. And then they claim that this is what religion does. Makes sense? Do you see where I’m getting at?

Being that magic is just a force of nature, we can begin to subtract it from rigid teachings. Now I may sound hypocritical, but if I were to teach magic it would probably be perceived in a way that is like a spiritual path. I would be teaching people to have their own experiences and insights with it, rather than just accepting what I say about it however. I wouldn’t push my own beliefs about it.

Now you may be wondering, what would I actually be teaching about magic in this magical village’s school?

Without a doubt, I’d be teaching spellcraft. the ability to manifest inner or outer circumstances in your life. Other things I would be teaching would be psychic abilities, perceiving signs and synchronicities, energy perception, basic contemplative understandings (think like mystical or magical philosophy), and basic life and mental health advice that is necessary when getting involved in these things.

As someone that has been a ‘rebellious hippie’ (sort of lol) and went through the spiritual awakening, dark night of the soul and now coming into the light (I’m experiencing real healing from spirit oppression and schizophrenia) and also someone who thinks about things with common sense, groundedness and logic, I feel it is kind of a responsibility of mine to teach people how to explore the real magic of life while maintaining a strong perception of reality, maintaining physical and mental health, honoring the ordinary/mundane/shared reality and above all try keep love, goodness or kindness in the heart. We don’t have to suppress the magic and enchantment of life because it seems or feels weird or dangerous, we just need to teach safety and responsibility regarding them.

Is magic actually dangerous?

In carpentry, you can accidentally shoot a nail from a nail gun into your arm. When learning the electric guitar or making visual art, you could begin to associate with alternative or counter culture people which would imply drug use. When I began teaching myself guitar, a friend from school whom I never hung out with outside of school wanted to start hanging out with me. Through him I started drinking alcohol at around 14 or 15 years old. A year later with one of his friends from his friends circle, I was introduced to marijuana. Then at 17 I started smoking it obsessively and eventually started taking magic mushrooms in which I think the combination of both (obsessively) made my mental health deteriorate. What if I never learned how to play the guitar? Would he have not been interested in hanging out with me? Would I have been a good boy (lol)? Would my mental health have stayed intact? I believe it is not anyone of my friends’ fault but rather it was a time when marijuana was illegal in NY and all the adults scolded us always about smoking it. They never thought about teaching us to use it safely and responsibly. Magic is no more dangerous than marijuana or a nail gun. It’s using it with safety and responsibility that will allow you to have a good experience with it (and also knowing what to do if you are struggling with it). Society would love to say it’s evil or wrong when in reality it’s not inherently good or evil. It’s inherently neutral.

If you are curious about what I have to say about practicing magic safely and responsibly, it’s mostly just common sense things. Take care of your physical and mental health first. Engage with others. Make an effort to intend good or kind things. Practice moderation with pleasures (you can manifest pleasurable experiences with magic). Avoid getting too caught up in a magical identity (it’s okay if it’s exciting for you and you maintain humbleness, but don’t believe that you’re better or more important than others or that ordinary people are dumb). Don’t overthink, maintain some presence and groundedness (sometimes we need to think but don’t live there all the time). Honor the ordinary world that we all share. Make a genuinely good contribution to society if you’re well enough. Be strong and brave. Have fun and enjoy yourself. And in magic, you’ll learn spells and practices that help you maintain wellness involving sealing off your energy to others and cleansing or purifying the aura to name a couple. Another thing is not taking magic too seriously.

Taking magic and religion too seriously presents a problem to society. People create very serious cults and communities that reject the common man or woman. These groups often obsess or overindulge in sex or drugs and/or can teach very antisocial behaviors or ways of thinking. This is clearly not good. What’s a fact of the matter is that we all share this beautiful world and no one should feel like they can’t or shouldn’t communicate with ordinary people, old friends or their families. I believe that in life we are all supposed to make contributions to the cultures we are born into (when the time is right after much learning and healing). Not solely to people who also resent or reject the world they are born into (although they deserve to be loved too, maybe that’s how they’ll learn to love the world again). My contribution to society would ideally be my magical village (or at least school). Not to start a cult, but to get people excited about real magic that could improve their lives, provide fun experiences, connect with local community members who are also interested in these things, and learn to practice these things safely and responsibly.

What I want to talk about also is magical aesthetics. Magic is fun and exciting. There’s a lot of light and joy to the idea of magic and enchantments. Sometimes people who take magic (or even religions) too seriously begin to take away the fun, light and joy of their practices and make them this super rigid and super serious thing. As I’ve just wrote, this creates cult mentalities. These people will think that the idea of just having fun with these practices and taking them lightly is either inauthentic and immature. It’s really not, I believe. Humans are meant to be having fun. Fun is what allows us to connect with our souls, which is the point of all this stuff. Being too serious puts us in our egos or heads too strongly, which hinders the soul. Although we shouldn’t have strong ego or identity attachments to the things we do, we can certainly just enjoy ourselves and in this case play ‘wizard or witch’, while practicing the real stuff. If you are practicing real magic or having these experiences, you are technically a wizard or witch (or however you choose to identify). It isn’t lying. You pick those words because they feel good. They make you feel good about yourself. If someone can pursue their dreams of being a famous rapper or owning an MMA gym, why can’t you pursue becoming a wizard or witch? Magic is totally real!! It’s only where we are at in society that we believe it’s essentially immature or unrealistic, or possibly of illness. But with these spiritual movements happening in the world, the magic is returning as it has in our ancient past. Except this time we don’t have to be super serious. We can actually have fun with it! And we can actually heal our wounds and get to a place in our lives where we are feeling so good, meaningful and strong!

This vision of opening up a magical village is a very deep passion and excitement of mine currently. Although as I’ve stated perviously that this vision has changed forms over the years, I am only beginning to take the first baby steps. I am practicing my magic daily and will start posting psychic oracle card readings on youtube and will offer more spellcraft services. I believe this will happen slowly. But all I can do is honor my mental health first and do what I can to set the stage for this. I will embrace more healing and strength to make something like this happen!


What I envision is it being something like the Milleridge Village in Jericho, NY over by the Whole Foods there. Maybe bigger than that. But a place where people can feel the magic, wonder and excitement while all learning the real stuff!


Prioritizing Your Happiness