Sullie Skye Sullie Skye

My Vision For The Future (Potentially)

I wanted to start this off by explaining who I write these blogs for. I know I don’t have many followers on social media (about 290 on instagram and 322 on youtube), but I am aware that there are people who indeed read or watch my posts. I know this partly because of psychic messages, but also because my instagram videos get about 20 to 40 views on average and only a small handful of likes (which is fine), so this shows me that people are indeed curious about what I post. I know I’m not some famous influencer (which I never intend to come off as one), but if there are even a small handful of viewers or followers that I have, then I’d like to keep them updated. Many of my followers on instagram are from the in person spiritual community and the rest are random people who find my posts or found my schizophrenia thought broadcasting videos on youtube (I’ve had a small handful of people personally DM me on instagram from watching those videos and they all said it really helped them a lot), so these blog posts are for all those people who genuinely enjoy what I have to say even though there are only a few in numbers. I am also a very expressive person and love to write, be it poetry, short stories or journaling. I have light blue in my aura which is evident of throat chakra energy being a heavy focus (the throat chakra is the chakra of communication and self expression).


You may have seen in some of my instagram, threads or youtube posts that I have talked about a powerful vision I had in 2021 that said that I would either open up a school or start a religion based on spellcraft. I have actually had similar dreams for years before that, and it’s shapeshifted across the years into different things but always the same basic energy.

I want to create a real place in the world where people can learn real magic!

Although it is true that I’m mostly (and have been) just fantasizing about it, but there is a reason for that. As you’re probably aware, I have a mental illness (been diagnosed schizophrenia and schizoaffective at different times). This does hinder me from taking the dedicated actions towards manifesting this vision, but that’s not to say that it’s completely impossible. I’ve been through significant healing from the illness and that’s only because of my magical practices. I’m still on this journey though. All those psychic visions and fantasizing are only the preview of what is to come (as Einstein said of the imagination). But it is imperative that I find the necessary healing and wellness first before I go head first into my vision. Maybe even before healing would be to develop strength and discipline, which I’ve been consistent with for the past month with exercise. I get exercise most days out of the week (which I had only been able to keep up with for a few days to a week for many years) and continue to. My discipline and happiness has gone up and I feel it everyday.

That being said, the past few months I have noticed waves of passion and determination come in. Not just for exercise, but also for pursuing things in life. specifically this vision. You may have seen a few threads posts from about a month ago in which I talked about opening up that spellcraft school right in Farmingdale and having drum circles and things like that. This is one of the many forms that this vision has taken. The nature of psychic visions is not that once you perceive a prophecy, it definitely comes true exactly the way it is described in the message. This message wasn’t even totally sure if it would be a school or a religion. This is because we have free will and can choose our destiny. When I posted that threads post, I was going through a huge amount of passion. Now as of yesterday, I have been going through more big waves of passion. Coupled with the growing discipline that is getting stronger in time (although definitely not perfect yet), I believe that the basic energy of this vision will really manifest. It has taken another form as of yesterday however.

Lately I’ve been watching Harry Potter and watching Hogwarts ambience videos on youtube from Hogwarts Legacy. Watching one of the videos really inspired me. It showed the place called Hogsmeade. It’s basically like a little magical village.

What if I created a real life magical village? Imagine a real life, but maybe small village consisting of a magical school, cafe, clothing store, book store, crystal shop, etc. All these things inspired by real life magic!

Something I want to make clear about magic is that no tradition, spiritual path or religion owns magic. This is why I’m kind of resistant to the idea of starting a religion. Sometimes it seems that when people get into magic, they subconsciously assume that it belongs to things like witchcraft (as a tradition), western occultism (maybe like Enochian magick), maybe even new age spirituality (as a set of preconceived or taught beliefs or understandings, much like a tradition or religion), etc. It’s definitely not all people who are into these things think like this, but sometimes I’ve noticed that this subconscious assumption makes itself known. What is a fact is that magic in itself is just a force of nature. It is life. Life, the soul and magic (and even God or the creator) are all above all spiritual paths, traditions and religions. Religion does not own the soul, the soul owns all the religions. It can get tricky with the secular forms of these things like new age, witchcraft or the occult because they claim that religion is dogmatic and fails to provide felt experience, but there are religions that do show people how to actually have these experiences. On top of that, these 3 secular forms of the soul can teach rigid thought structures. Or should I say that the people within these teachings and communities can believe that there is only one way to do something. And then they claim that this is what religion does. Makes sense? Do you see where I’m getting at?

Being that magic is just a force of nature, we can begin to subtract it from rigid teachings. Now I may sound hypocritical, but if I were to teach magic it would probably be perceived in a way that is like a spiritual path. I would be teaching people to have their own experiences and insights with it, rather than just accepting what I say about it however. I wouldn’t push my own beliefs about it.

Now you may be wondering, what would I actually be teaching about magic in this magical village’s school?

Without a doubt, I’d be teaching spellcraft. the ability to manifest inner or outer circumstances in your life. Other things I would be teaching would be psychic abilities, perceiving signs and synchronicities, energy perception, basic contemplative understandings (think like mystical or magical philosophy), and basic life and mental health advice that is necessary when getting involved in these things.

As someone that has been a ‘rebellious hippie’ (sort of lol) and went through the spiritual awakening, dark night of the soul and now coming into the light (I’m experiencing real healing from spirit oppression and schizophrenia) and also someone who thinks about things with common sense, groundedness and logic, I feel it is kind of a responsibility of mine to teach people how to explore the real magic of life while maintaining a strong perception of reality, maintaining physical and mental health, honoring the ordinary/mundane/shared reality and above all try keep love, goodness or kindness in the heart. We don’t have to suppress the magic and enchantment of life because it seems or feels weird or dangerous, we just need to teach safety and responsibility regarding them.

Is magic actually dangerous?

In carpentry, you can accidentally shoot a nail from a nail gun into your arm. When learning the electric guitar or making visual art, you could begin to associate with alternative or counter culture people which would imply drug use. When I began teaching myself guitar, a friend from school whom I never hung out with outside of school wanted to start hanging out with me. Through him I started drinking alcohol at around 14 or 15 years old. A year later with one of his friends from his friends circle, I was introduced to marijuana. Then at 17 I started smoking it obsessively and eventually started taking magic mushrooms in which I think the combination of both (obsessively) made my mental health deteriorate. What if I never learned how to play the guitar? Would he have not been interested in hanging out with me? Would I have been a good boy (lol)? Would my mental health have stayed intact? I believe it is not anyone of my friends’ fault but rather it was a time when marijuana was illegal in NY and all the adults scolded us always about smoking it. They never thought about teaching us to use it safely and responsibly. Magic is no more dangerous than marijuana or a nail gun. It’s using it with safety and responsibility that will allow you to have a good experience with it (and also knowing what to do if you are struggling with it). Society would love to say it’s evil or wrong when in reality it’s not inherently good or evil. It’s inherently neutral.

If you are curious about what I have to say about practicing magic safely and responsibly, it’s mostly just common sense things. Take care of your physical and mental health first. Engage with others. Make an effort to intend good or kind things. Practice moderation with pleasures (you can manifest pleasurable experiences with magic). Avoid getting too caught up in a magical identity (it’s okay if it’s exciting for you and you maintain humbleness, but don’t believe that you’re better or more important than others or that ordinary people are dumb). Don’t overthink, maintain some presence and groundedness (sometimes we need to think but don’t live there all the time). Honor the ordinary world that we all share. Make a genuinely good contribution to society if you’re well enough. Be strong and brave. Have fun and enjoy yourself. And in magic, you’ll learn spells and practices that help you maintain wellness involving sealing off your energy to others and cleansing or purifying the aura to name a couple. Another thing is not taking magic too seriously.

Taking magic and religion too seriously presents a problem to society. People create very serious cults and communities that reject the common man or woman. These groups often obsess or overindulge in sex or drugs and/or can teach very antisocial behaviors or ways of thinking. This is clearly not good. What’s a fact of the matter is that we all share this beautiful world and no one should feel like they can’t or shouldn’t communicate with ordinary people, old friends or their families. I believe that in life we are all supposed to make contributions to the cultures we are born into (when the time is right after much learning and healing). Not solely to people who also resent or reject the world they are born into (although they deserve to be loved too, maybe that’s how they’ll learn to love the world again). My contribution to society would ideally be my magical village (or at least school). Not to start a cult, but to get people excited about real magic that could improve their lives, provide fun experiences, connect with local community members who are also interested in these things, and learn to practice these things safely and responsibly.

What I want to talk about also is magical aesthetics. Magic is fun and exciting. There’s a lot of light and joy to the idea of magic and enchantments. Sometimes people who take magic (or even religions) too seriously begin to take away the fun, light and joy of their practices and make them this super rigid and super serious thing. As I’ve just wrote, this creates cult mentalities. These people will think that the idea of just having fun with these practices and taking them lightly is either inauthentic and immature. It’s really not, I believe. Humans are meant to be having fun. Fun is what allows us to connect with our souls, which is the point of all this stuff. Being too serious puts us in our egos or heads too strongly, which hinders the soul. Although we shouldn’t have strong ego or identity attachments to the things we do, we can certainly just enjoy ourselves and in this case play ‘wizard or witch’, while practicing the real stuff. If you are practicing real magic or having these experiences, you are technically a wizard or witch (or however you choose to identify). It isn’t lying. You pick those words because they feel good. They make you feel good about yourself. If someone can pursue their dreams of being a famous rapper or owning an MMA gym, why can’t you pursue becoming a wizard or witch? Magic is totally real!! It’s only where we are at in society that we believe it’s essentially immature or unrealistic, or possibly of illness. But with these spiritual movements happening in the world, the magic is returning as it has in our ancient past. Except this time we don’t have to be super serious. We can actually have fun with it! And we can actually heal our wounds and get to a place in our lives where we are feeling so good, meaningful and strong!

This vision of opening up a magical village is a very deep passion and excitement of mine currently. Although as I’ve stated perviously that this vision has changed forms over the years, I am only beginning to take the first baby steps. I am practicing my magic daily and will start posting psychic oracle card readings on youtube and will offer more spellcraft services. I believe this will happen slowly. But all I can do is honor my mental health first and do what I can to set the stage for this. I will embrace more healing and strength to make something like this happen!


What I envision is it being something like the Milleridge Village in Jericho, NY over by the Whole Foods there. Maybe bigger than that. But a place where people can feel the magic, wonder and excitement while all learning the real stuff!

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Sullie Skye Sullie Skye

Prioritizing Your Happiness

Specifically in the west, it is a fact of the matter that many are going through mental health crises (myself included). Many are addicted to substances, on psychiatric medications and even considering to end their own lives at times. Many have clearly been disconnected from the inherent joy that was usually apparent in our childhoods.

In this blog, I will be covering the topic of mental health and making our own happiness a top priority in life. I will be sharing some experiences and insights that I’ve had that led me to becoming a happier person. If you’ve read my other blogs, you will know that I am very much into the mystical and magical nature of reality. In this blog, I will be leaving these things out and put more of an emphasis on common sense thinking and more grounded understandings of things.


I’ve been dealing with a diagnosis of schizophrenia and schizoaffective disorder since I was 21. I’ve come to realize that I’ve had symptoms since I was about 18 (I used to think it was 19 but I recalled experiences of hearing irritating voices at night during the summer of 2012 after I graduated high school). I’ve also dealt with feelings of loneliness, substance abuse, suicidal thoughts and behaviors and struggling with romance (I only had a girlfriend once when I was 13 and it wasn’t a relationship like adults know them now obviously). I’ve had emotional and mental problems since I was a little kid. In 3rd grade the teacher wanted to put me in anger management and around that same time at home one day I told myself that maybe I should just kill myself because of something that happened which I don’t fully remember.

I’m no stranger to suffering and inner turmoil in life. However, It’s led me to one of the greatest blessings that life can offer a person. And that is simply the understanding of prioritizing my own happiness and being mostly comfortable with being alone. I say mostly because occasionally the desire for friendship does come in which is natural, but what is important is that I’ve learned to find solace in sheer feelings of love, beauty, joy, passion, excitement and peace, rather than feeling upset because I don’t have many people in my life or anyone I can relate with.

Something else I’ve learned, which is crucial I believe, is to accept that life will always have some suffering in it and there needs to be acceptance for it. Without getting too philosophical, I’ve realized that life is a dance of opposites. Male/female, up/down, hot/cold, light/dark, pleasure/pain, logic/creativity, etc. The big one being pain (or suffering) and pleasure (also joy, love, beauty and so on). This isn’t really philosophy, this is just common sense thinking. I’ve learned that when we accept the suffering life forces us into, rather than let it consume us or try to avoid it, we build a resilience and sense of strength. No matter what we do in life, whether pursuing a job, romantic partner, creative endeavor, health and even entertainment, there will always be some kind of trouble we will find. But this is a good thing.

Why would struggle and suffering be a good thing?

Because simply it allows for the experience and appreciation of pleasant feelings. When you mentally connect with the acceptance of depression, anxiety, or in my case hallucinations and the stress that comes with it, you could actually trigger pleasant feelings simultaneously.

Life doesn’t have to be all suffering to build strength. It’s not impossible for someone to begin feeling lasting peace or happiness after going through a significant life crisis. it’s true that some suffering will still come in, but there could also be the attainment of an abundance of pleasant feelings. I’ve learned that the key to this shift from mostly suffering to more pleasant feelings is to mentally acknowledge that you have to allow or let in the joys. That means of course accepting the negative feelings when they arise but also not feeding them with negative thoughts. Instead, just sit with the feelings and let them be there. Tell yourself that these feelings and circumstances in life are just a part of what life is. It can be changed when you shift your perspective though. It takes time and building better thinking patterns or habits.

Focusing on the joys you can experience is not the same as toxic positivity. Toxic positivity is when you’re clearly going through something distressing and you try to just think happy thoughts. What I’m expressing is more about acknowledging the suffering and allowing it to pass, then genuinely shifting your focus on to the things that bring you joy or pleasant feelings (when you’re feeling ready). Pleasant feelings are attainable for everyone, we just need to allow ourselves to feel it. Tell yourself “I’m suffering, these feelings are suffering. But there is also joy when I simultaneously look for it.” A state of experiencing mixed feelings is a valid thing and it is also the beginning of the path to feeling more joy primarily.

If you’re living in the west and you have food to eat and a place to sleep, you can create your joy. It’s not at all my intention to give a ‘toughen up’ approach because I understand what extreme suffering and loneliness is like, but I overcame a huge chunk of it by realizing that I’m actually quite blessed. I’m usually hallucinating, but it’s gone down a lot because of my practices and desire for happiness. Happiness must be genuinely desired because if you don’t genuinely desire feelings of happiness, you’ll always be left primarily feeling defeated by your experience of life, even if some joy does come in. This isn’t me talking down to anyone who is suffering, this is just the acknowledgement of the truth. You have to desire happiness genuinely. You have to create your happiness.

A big part of creating happiness is letting go of the things, people and thoughts that cause severe suffering (the thoughts need to be let go of as they arise. They may never fully 100% go away, but they can be toned down greatly so they’re not even effecting you when they come in). It also requires an activity that is genuinely enjoyable for yourself. With me, I’ve never had a real girlfriend and I have barely any friends. Although the thoughts do occasionally pop in of suffering regarding that, they are fleeting. This is because I’ve realized that what I truly desire is to feel good, I accept the bad feelings (letting them pass) and I fully embrace and enjoy feelings of love, beauty, joy as I do the things that bring them. I’m in a place in my life where I primarily am satisfied with my life despite some of the suffering I experience. I am okay (mostly) with being on my own.

Doing the things that bring you good feelings is crucial. For me, this is going hard on the weights, going for 1 hour speed walks through the woods, listening to awesome music, eating/drinking the foods and drinks I like (no alcohol for me), talking to my family, donating food/money to the local church, food pantry or no dogs left behind non profit, daydreaming about happy things and so on. If you really can’t find anything that brings joy, then try forcing a good workout in. Exercise creates endorphins in the brain. Remind yourself how good you’ll feel if you can get in as many pushups as you can at once. And if you really can’t do that, then take 2 to 5 minutes to lay down, close your eyes and just imagine yourself feeling happy. Imagine what it would feel like to be so totally lost in amazing feelings of joy and bliss! It does work, but like I said, you have to genuinely desire happiness. That means letting go of the stories and thoughts and limiting beliefs that you either don’t deserve happiness or that something else is more important.

Is prioritizing your own happiness selfish? No. Not in the same energy of someone who is always quick to eat the last cookie for themselves without asking if anyone else wants it. This is because when you truly desire authentic happiness, you’ll find that authentic happiness loves to give. True feelings of joy are happy when others win at life. True feelings of joy take immense pleasure in giving. True feelings of joy loves to do things for others even if just small actions. They love to make others feel happy. The thing is that only you can feel your joy, so it requires you to consider prioritizing and genuinely desiring happiness. You have to give yourself permission to feel that way. If that’s considered selfishness, then you need to be selfish in life. It’s the balance of the opposites. Selflessness and selfishness. Loving others is important, but it’s also important to love yourself.

This is what I have learned about life, suffering and joy. Suffering is a fact of life and it will always be that way, but when we accept that (not running from it, not trying to heal it and not getting lost in it) and (when we’re ready) focus our thoughts and actions on things that feel good for us, we create more pleasurable feelings and thoughts. It all starts with some real thinking. Getting ourselves to understand that we have to genuinely desire or create our happiness. Happiness is something we have to want more than ruminating on the things that are going wrong in our lives. Letting go of the people, things and thoughts that make us feel upset. We have to prioritize our own happiness and that is not a bad thing at all.

And always remember that it’s not impossible for someone to begin to feel primarily good about their feelings, experiences and circumstances in life and experience an overall change. These things do happen to people a lot actually and it can happen to whoever is reading this that may be suffering with things. I know this because it happened to me and it’s deepening as the days go by. Show yourself some love and simplify your life to create more honest happiness!

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Sullie Skye Sullie Skye

Is God Real?

Is God even real? What is the truth behind a creator deity? Why do so many different religions say different things about the nature of how reality was created and the nature of an omnipotent, omnipresent creator deity?

The best way for me to explain the nature of God, or even whether or not there even is a God, is through my own contemplations of the topic and observations of the beliefs of others and reality (specifically the nature of biological and cosmological evolution).

To my own understanding and reason, it seems that science is a completely neutral and mostly unbiased way of explaining what existence is. It is free of religious dogma and superstition. It is not based on what you hold sentiments for or emotionally feel attached to. It’s methods are solely based on reason and observation.

From what we know about evolution, modern humans have evolved from the great apes. The great apes have come from previous mammals. Those mammals came from reptiles. Reptiles, from amphibians. Amphibians, from fish. Fish, from early crustaceans. Crustaceans, from amoeba. Amoeba, from the primordial soup (many evolutionary scientists see this as being where life began). The primordial soup was a collection of chemicals originating from the very early earth. The earth (as far as I know) came from the belly of the sun as parts of it escaped it’s body and cooled down to form solid matter. To my knowledge, there could’ve even been other solids floating around in the cosmos that gravitated onto the earth and added to it. The sun and all of it’s mass came from the solar nebula. The solar nebula came from forces of gravity and the process of accretion (the coming together of matter). And all that matter and gravity ultimately came from the big bang. What is commonly believed is that all matter, particles and energy came from the big bang. Some physicists believe that we may actually be living in a continuum of an infinite number of big bangs called the multiverse. Where am I going with this? What does this say about God?

All things come from the big bang as far as we know. And even if there is an infinite number of big bangs, it’s all existing in one infinite space… key word, infinite. Understand that your body is made of cells, which is made of molecules, made of atoms, made of subatomic particles, made of quarks and deeper than that we’re not too certain of. Some theories are going around such as string theory. But something else to note is that all particles are made of and rely on energy, which cannot be created or destroyed. Energy is immortal. Immortality is the breath of infinity… there it is again.

What I want to say next may seem philosophical, but I see it as being more observational or realistic.

You ARE… alive. You ARE… a being. You ARE. You know you’re 100% alive and a being because you feel, you think, you do and you speak. You hold beliefs and you make art and you dance. You perceive meaning. Just say this to yourself… ‘I AM something’. notice how you feel your chest. There could be a feeling of peace there. Peace is the purpose of all religions.

Anyway, you as a living being come from your parents. your parents came from their parents. Going all the way back into evolution, we all descended from the primordial soup. Is that truly where life began? Like I said, you know that you’re a being and you’re alive. You could only have grown this aliveness from what was already there. Your parents had life and gave you life. If the primordial soup is not alive, how could it have possibly created life? I believe it is a misperception of modern science to believe that life spontaneously came out of a pool of ‘dead’ chemicals. I believe that there was some form of very basic life or consciousness in the pool of chemicals. It is only a modern human perspective to believe that life started at the pool of chemicals, but nature on the other hand has no perspective on what is life and what is not life. It is just one form that is constantly going through change (from chemicals to amoeba), I believe it is a modern delusion to see it as a black or white thing. We may perceive chemicals as being a very ‘dumb’ form of life, just as we perceive animals as generally being dumb. But animals at least possess another type of intelligence that many modern humans generally don’t have, which is the intelligence of intuition and instinct. That feeling of being something… that peace (the solidity within) and that awareness of reality, I believe, is what is in the rocks and in the chemicals. I believe the sun is alive and I believe the entire cosmos is alive… I believe all of existence, all realms and universes and anywhere there is a thing (the totality of all things), is ONE living thing. If I’m alive and a being, I come from other beings and all beings came from a very basic form of life (chemicals), and even all those individual chemicals came from one sole existence (as all things in all realms and universes did), then that must mean this whole continuum of existence is alive and aware, it is a being. Just look around you, it’s everywhere. Even inside of you… even in your dreams and in your imagination (other realms where things can happen). You are a function of this being. You are a cell in it’s body. Many tribal cultures believed the great spirit is all around us.

This is what I believe that God truly is, above all religions and ideologies and why there is a God. God is an infinite being that created all things and is the giver of life and the soul. God is the ultimate source of mysteries and meaning.

Why do so many different religions say different things about God?

I believe it’s their own experiences and interpretations of life that cause God to speak differently to different people. God is infinite, therefore God cannot be contained in clumsy words or human utterances. There will always be distortions in expressing divine truths… One entity cannot ever fully grasp the totality of God within their minds or speech.

Mystical visions and experiences are usually the inspirations to start religions. divine revelation. Many different people have visions coming from a divine source, yet they all say different things about the nature of divinity. They all have visions and messages that accurately predict the future or distant events that they couldn’t possibly know, but will say different existential or mystical truths. The nature of psychic and mystical abilities is that they are guided by what you understand or believe. If you follow a Hindu path, your visions will accurately predict the future but will talk about Krishna and karma as truth. If you follow Christianity and have the gift of prophecy, your visions will predict the future accurately but will be talking about Christ and redemption as truth.

Another thing is the nature of healing, happiness and conviction. If one path provides you with utmost healing and happiness, is this evidence that the religion is the truth? ‘Christianity brought me so much healing and happiness, it’s obviously true’. Other religions make others happy and provide healing for them. It’s not unique to one religion. Same for when religions say that there will be deep convictions in time when you dedicate yourself to the path. You could have a deep knowing, but that’s not unique to one path or religion. Different religions say different things, and many will be deeply convinced that their path is the real or right one. This obviously can’t be true. But practice your religion as long as it helps you.

Even the same with miracles and magic. All religions have miracles and magic. God does not keep miracles and magic for one religion solely.

God is the sum of all things plus beyond what any individual’s mind can comprehend. God is the provider of life. After all, how could dumb, dead particles create the human experience which is full of beauty and meaning? There had to have been some form of life already within them, only becoming more complex as time went on. That sense of life comes from the creator.


Talking about all this God stuff can be very ‘out there’. It needs grounding. Ultimately, what would be the purpose behind God creating life in the first place? In other words, what does God want for his people?

It’s very simple. God just wants people to live good and happy lives primarily. To spread joys and love everywhere you go. To be grateful for the things you have and for who you are. Your skills and talents. Is there any truth that is higher or more universal to all than just living a good life with plenty of joy and kind actions? God does not judge based on whatever religion you follow. You will suffer in life, but God is there to ease that suffering and give strength and blessings if you let him in your heart. And that is simply by believing!

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Sullie Skye Sullie Skye

How to Cast a Spell

What exactly is spellcasting and how do I know it’s real or will work?

Spellcasting, or really any form of magick begins with the simple understanding that life or existence is miraculous and magical. How did the universe explode from nothing into existence? There was nothing happening and then all of a sudden I was birthed into existence out of nowhere…

Life could literally only be miraculous and magical when you ask yourself these questions and begin to fully understand that all the religions and spiritual practices of the world have been talking about things that go beyond the mundane. I personally find it best to keep it secular and read into, practice and contemplate all the religions, being that there is a common thread in all of them.

This common thread of all religions is what the great shamans, witches and occultists throughout history have understood.

To put simply, it is that any action, thought, word, or feeling can influence the fabric of reality or existence. This is because, as religions try to hint at, all things are connected and interact with each other. When you do or say something, it causes a domino effect in the world and within you. This is where the idea of karma comes from. Existence is one thing, and all things within it make up the totality of all things. One creator made up of smaller fractals, similar to your body being made up of cells. On the most subtle level of energy and mind, things are being destined to happen in reality because of what goes on in our lives and the world at large. Our choices. The inner world of thoughts, feelings and intentions and the outer world of circumstances, scenarios and events are directly connected. They’re all a part of this one grand existence! Nothing is separate and can truly hide for long!

Spellcasting, ritual magick or manifestation is the ability to act or speak with the conscious intention to cause a change in the inner or outer world. What your daily focus is on or what you give the most energy to is what becomes your reality. You can consciously take charge of your life by commanding change!

There is a lot that goes into casting a spell, or consciously causing change, however. The most important things are to know what you truly desire and know what is right for yourself and others. Understand that casting a spell on someone to take away their free will or to cause misery on another only brings more negativity into reality and into your own life. You would be creating or commanding this energy to arise and it would have an influence on other parts of your life. It would be like a consciously willed disease into the body. You’re polluting your own aura with your negative choice.

As far as the actual ritual, or action that causes change, there are many different ways to do this. In the beginning of my own magickal practice, I would just simply write things down in the present tense. For example, “I am friends with many people in a poetry community. We are all filled with love and openness.” This is probably the simplest way to cause change. The next two parts are important, and those are doing the necessary actions in order to see it happen and to allow the cosmos to manifest it the way that it does. Magick is really conscious co-creation. There are multiple entities at play in the creation of reality and it’s not all about you even though it’s your own spell. For example, I had put in the words that I wanted a poetry community of loving people, but what was actually manifested was a huge expansion of the Long Island spiritual community that I was already slightly involved with. The cosmos must’ve thought that it would’ve been more beneficial for me to be communicating with people who are into these things and that it would benefit my calling in life, otherwise known as my true will. The cosmos knew that magick or spirituality was more important to me than poetry. I didn’t fully know what I wanted in words, maybe.

The wording of your spells is crucial. It’s very important to not put in any negatives in your spells like “we are all suffering and it’s beautiful.” As cringey as that may be, Suffering could imply so many different negative circumstances and situations. It may sound nice to be like a tortured artist like Edgar Allan Poe or Kurt Cobain, but it’s not going to be the best experience you could have and there will be stressors. Always keep it positive and of the light. Other good things you can add to your spell that make them good and of the light are “I am making this money for the highest good”, or “this job allows me to be fully in my light and others feel their light.” Another thing you could add into the wording of your spells is to make it a poem or at least rhyme. For example, “the impurities of my aura dissolved, all my problems have resolved.” This adds a level of beauty to it which usually triggers heartful feelings, adding a delightful experience of them. It allows your energy to become brighter when you practice.

Something that should be mentioned is that in order for your spell to fully manifest, you need to become an energetic match for it. If you try to manifest a partner and you put in things like “She is strong and loving”, but then you as a person are just being nasty to everyone all the time or you’re addicted to alcohol or drugs, you won’t be an energetic match. Think of it realistically. Would a strong and loving person want to truly be with someone who is the opposite of that? Anything is possible, but the odds are very unlikely. You may have realized that you should only cast good spells with good words which is a good thing, but you would need to have the will at least to change your habits and thoughts in order to see this partner fully manifest. They could show up in your life quickly, but it could take a long time for you to actually date them if you’re not changing.

Knowing that spells manifest when they’re meant to is also important. Patience is a virtue. Sometimes they can manifest in 5 minutes, other times they’ll take 5 years. You need to try to feel good as often as possible or at least be doing the right things for spells that are of the light (which is all you should be casting simply because it’s right and will feel the best). Acts of kindness and love impress the universal consciousness and you will be rewarded for them in time. They could even speed up the timing of them if you’re truly on the right path with the right focus.

Being in communication with the universal consciousness, or God, is another thing that could aid or give clarity to the situation around your spells. It helps to awaken your psychic or intuitive gifts, along with paying attention to your dreams and the synchronicities or signs you see in reality. Ritual is speaking, whereas psychic visions/synchronicities/dreams are listening.

There are other ways of casting spells involving herbs, crystals, oils, mantras/affirmations, vision boards, daydreaming, drawing or painting and plenty more.

I personally enjoy doing crystal magick. Basically, if I desire to dissolve a spirit attachment, I’ll charge a labradorite crystal with selenite for 24 hours. Then, I’ll write out a long, elaborate spell in a spell book describing what it is exactly that I want. After that’s all written out, I’ll draw a symbol, usually called a sigil, and write next to it that this symbol manifests this desire. Then I’ll draw that symbol again on a small piece of paper and tape it to the labradorite. Everyday for two weeks, or sometimes ongoing, I’ll meditate with it and feel it’s energy. The tape I bought was even called ‘magic tape!’ Clear synchronicity! You could also just speak or focus an intention into the crystal once a day for as long as you want if you don’t want to get involved with tape or paper. Spellcasting is meant to be fun! Your rituals should only be practiced because it feels good or fun! It doesn’t need to be so serious.

You’ll know spellcasting is real and works when you practice it with an open mind and see it work in your life. If you really struggle with it, consider getting involved in a community where you could speak to people who are into these things. You can go on or and find events where people in your area are hosting. If you live in the middle of nowhere, try commenting on people’s YouTube videos and engaging with them with questions.

The most important thing you’ll ever know about spellcasting is that you need to honor your own path and understandings in order to really see results. Have your own experience. You can read all the books, watch videos or learn from teachers all you want, but until you really trust in your own power, you may not be able to truly be fruitful. Good things come with time, patience and love. And that includes your ability to cause conscious change in the world!

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Sullie Skye Sullie Skye

What is the soul?

What exactly is the soul?

Religion, philosophy, art and myths all throughout the ages have tried to define or encapsulate what exactly it is about being human that makes it so meaningful or sacred. But is there any truth to what the soul or spirit is? Why do so many different people from all different ages claim to have some kind of insight into what this is? Why do they all say different things, despite claiming to have had some kind of divine revelation (visions, dreams, voices, inner experiences)?

Firstly, all I could personally say about the soul comes from my own mystical experiences and contemplations. People may disagree with me, but that’s fine. It’s up to the individual to come to terms with these things.

Some conclusions I’ve come to about the soul come from my own observation about what everyone claims to know about it. Many claim that their own specific religions hold the truth to what the soul is. A christian could say that only Jesus could heal your soul. A buddhist could claim that the soul is in a constant cycle of birth, death and rebirth until you attain nirvana. A new age or ‘spiritual but not religious’ person could claim that your soul is just the expansiveness of your auric field and that your heart space is the seat of the soul.

What I’m seeing is that there are many different understandings of what the soul is or what it’s about and how it works. All different backgrounds and communities or associates to reinforce shared beliefs, however there is not always a willingness to consider the deeply held beliefs of opposing views. As I write this, I notice that this denial of the reality of differing beliefs without exploration or at least consideration of other beliefs feels like treason to the soul. It’s definitely not the case that everyone within each of these communities denies the exploration, but I am aware that there are people in the world who don’t explore truth. I believe it was the Theosophists who said, “there is no religion higher than truth”. Reality and the soul are of the same ecosystem and are connected to each other. To be real, you would not deny the soul. To be soulful, you would not deny reality. It is up to the individual to explore the deepest, most real and authentic truth that one could possibly comprehend.

One may say, “well they don’t really understand the truth of the soul because they haven’t explored truth or haven’t had the mystical visions or healing that I encountered that implied, with deep conviction, what the soul is. That’s how I know what the soul is.”

I remind myself that whatever conclusion I have personally come to understand about what the soul is, I need to remain humble and know that it is only my perception. There is always a deeper truth, existence is eternal and never ends. My perception is basically my personal religion. Heck, there could even be alien beings who have far more complex brains that understand life to such a higher extent than anyone on this earth! How could I claim to know the absolute truth?!

Jumping back to the realization that many different mystics say many different things about what the soul is, I realize that deep convictions, intense or radical spiritual healing, divine revelations (visions, voices, presence of God, feelings) or even lasting happiness or peace doesn’t imply that you hold the absolute truth of knowing these things. Different people say different things, yet they all experience these results. This is why I believe in contemplation and observing the reality of these things and perceptions. I believe it is important to come to our own conclusions. I believe that genuine contemplation deepens one’s enlightenment.

Finally… What do I believe that the soul is?

I personally try to come to a most secular understanding of what the soul is and what it’s all about. I could describe it in many ways, but to put simply…

The soul is your inner world. Anyone who has ever discussed the soul went within. The part of you that just simply feels meaningful, deeply true or authentic, the beautiful. When you feel that brightness when you have a happy daydream or make beautiful art, it highlights this part of you that can be definitely overlooked if you go unaware of the subtle or finer things within. You feel it when you do an act of purity or kindness or when someone does that for you. The soul can be fierce, like the feeling you get when you see a YouTube video of a lioness protecting an infant gazelle that can’t protect itself. It is morally good.

The soul is also your fate and your purpose. It holds the plan for your life (if you choose to follow it) and is the generator of your highest aspirations and dreams. If you exist only in reality and never in the inner world, you will lack true free will because your unconscious beliefs and feelings will run your life. If you exist only within and deny action or reality, you do a disservice to the divine or God for not taking the responsibility that is asked of you for making these discoveries of enlightenment and/or awakening (which I’m still learning to be dutiful and brave just to be clear).

The hue of your soul, or the type or style of things that you are meant to do in life, can be understood through what I call ‘quantities in quantities’. I don’t know if there is an established word for it, but basically the zodiac signs and myers-briggs personality types are perfect examples of this. In the zodiac signs, there are 12 qualities or energies that are expressions of the numbers 3 and 4. 3 qualities and 4 elements. 3 is cardinal, fixed and mutable energies and 4 are the fire, earth, air and water energies. As the zodiacal cycle ages, you can see how they overlap each other, giving rise to distinct energies or even personalities that one can see in nature, society or in the human personality (sometimes even animal personalities). For example, scorpio is the fixed water sign. It is that person or scenario in nature (or even in the inner world) that is very extreme or intense and seems to have some kind of hidden potential or activity that is subtle and may go unnoticed. A stage magician performing slight of hand tricks, a vision or deep knowing that uncovers the truth about something, or a patient suffering from psychosis in a psych ward (something is highly distressing that they’re experiencing but you can’t see it). A person who has gone through these things or feels a deep enthusiasm or interest in this has that color of their soul. They are meant to be pursuing similar things in life that are worthwhile and excite them, however it may look (it’ll be different for each). Not that one is meant to become a mental patient, but possibly investigating into what that experience is.

These energies or personalities in the zodiac or the myers-briggs personality types are not totally fixed things despite how real they may seem, but rather the only reality they hold is the perceptions and feelings we experience when we come across certain situations in life that reflect them. These specific symbols like Pisces or INFP are really just templates for understanding our inner world, or the color of our soul. You could literally keep breaking it down into different subgroups or sub-personalities within each symbol and they’ll each appear different. You would just add more ‘quantities’ or numbers within them (masculine/feminine, body/mind/spirit, fire/earth/air/water, etc.)

The soul is the most beautiful and pure part of ourselves. all the religions of the world have tried to define it in their own terms, but I can say this; religions do not own the soul… the soul owns the religions. The soul exists beyond the words and phrases we use to describe it. The soul is a country, whereas religions are each state. Pick wisely and honestly, and maybe even make your own religion for yourself or for the world.

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